The figure shows the development of the number of employed persons in the Creative Economy Switzerland and its components for the quarters 2010Q1 to 2020Q4. In Switzerland, a total of 568,000 persons were employed in the Creative Economy in the 4rth quarter 2020, which is 1.1% (+6,000) more than in the 3th quarter 2019 (562,000; persons on short-time work are considered as employed). In contrast, the number of employed persons in the overall economy increased by 0.3% (+12,000) compared to the same quarter of the previous year.
Based on the classification for creative occupations and industries according to the UK’s DCMS and innovation foundation Nesta, we estimate the size of the Swiss creative economy employment and its three main components (specialist, non-specialist, and embedded employment) using the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS).
Creative economy employment is given by the sum of creative industries employment and all creative jobs in other industries (embedded jobs). The creative economy thus consists of three types of employees:
1. Non–specialists (support): employed persons working in a creative industry, but who are not themselves employed in a creative occupation, for instance, a bookkeeper at a publishing company.
2. Specialists: persons working in creative occupations in creative industries, for instance, a dancer in an ensemble or a journalist writing for a daily newspaper.
3. Embedded: persons working in creative occupations outside the creative industries, for instance, a game designer working in financial services.
Further information in our Creative Economies Reports and in the Research Notes.